A good credit history can be considered as a base of a good financial life. A simple reason behind is that the better your credit history will be, the lower interest rate you will get …
Author: Finance Press
What to do about Equifax Data Breach?
One of the three major credit reporting bureaus – Equifax, at which, there has been a recent data breach, has generated a situation that is uncomfortable, for the more than 145 million American consumers, whose …
What Life Looks Like After Becoming Debt Free?
Knowing how to become debt free from a debt relief center is the easy part. Doing what is requisite is the hard part. It has become the contemporary way to get what you want now …
Struggling With Debt? Here’s the Help
Are you going through major financial debt crises right now? Do you think it is a good idea to talk to a complete stranger about your problem? We would have said no if there have …
Knowing The Other Side of Debt Consolidation
There is nothing more stressful than being stuck deep in a debt situation, especially if what you owe is greater than your monthly earnings. Any wage earner in a family feels this weight day in …
How to plan financially for your child’s college education?
The most frightening question to answer for any mom and dad, whose kids are about to enter college and universities in a few year’s time! For you, I would twist the question a little bit, …
What the National Debt Means to you?
The national debt level has been a subject that is significant to the U.S. domestic policy controversy. Given the amount of fiscal stimulus that has been pumped into the U.S. economy over the past couple …
Summarization Of Debt Relief Order?
There are a number of options having availability to individuals with financial problems. These options are inclusive of debt management plans, Individual Voluntary Arrangements and bankruptcy. In certain circumstances a further alternative is a Debt …
What are the Main Categories of Debt?
Most people encounter some form of debt at one point in their lives. Debt is available in several forms, but all debt can be categorized within a few main types including secured debt, unsecured debt, …
Credit Card Debt Negotiation – DIY or Hire A Professional
Have you decided that the optimum way to tackle the credit card debt beast is through the creditors? Are you looking forward to voluntary lump-sum settlements for less than full balance while avoiding bankruptcy? If …