6 Staycation Ideas That Are Fun and Save Money

I am not the biggest vacation type person. That’s because I am not looking to be “busy” on vacation. I hear about people who create  a jam packed 10 day adventure that includes visits to five cities with 10 activities complete with hiking, touring and kayaking. That sounds like a lot of work for me. While that doesn’t mean that I am completely off vacation. I kinda prefer to take a staycation.

So a staycation is just a way to spend time off without leaving your home. This can save you lots of money versus travel, hotel, and car rentals. Now staycation may sound boring. So here are ten ways you can enjoy your staycation.

1. Visit new places in your city or town

Chances are, you have not seen every place in your city or town. Think of 3 to 5 places in your town you have not visited at all or without the last five years. You will be surprised what adventures you will find.

2. Take  a day trip

If there is nothing to do in your town, then take a day trip to someone. Chances are, there is something to do within a day’s drive of your home. See what fun you can have for less.

3. Hang out with friends

As we get older, it’s hard to have fun with your friends. Make a plan to hang out with your friends for the day. You could have them come over for a meal, BBQ or a game of cards. Get creative with it.

4. Catch up with Netflix or your favorite shows

There’s lots of great TV shows and movies now available on various streaming services. Do a little research and discover a couple of shows that you would like to watch. Over the course of a five day vacation, you can binge watch your favorite shows and enjoy a fun time from the comfort of your home.

5. Learn a new hobby

Have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument, write a story, cook a new dish, paint or start a blog? With a staycation, you can allow yourself the free time to work on that passion project or hobby. Instead of being tiresome work, you will be invigorated with your creative energy that comes with a hobby or a passion project.

6. Revitalize your body

When was the last time you ever had a massage or a spa day. Give your body some love with a visit to a local spa. Your body deserves some care and relaxation. A couple of spa days can make your body and mind feel like it was on a 10 day vacation. Plus, this will save you flying half-way across the world to find a place to relax.

Okay, let’s summarize all the fun staycation ideas:

  1. Visit new places in your city or town
  2. Take  a day trip
  3. Hang out with friends
  4. Catch up with Netflix or your favorite shows
  5. Learn a new hobby
  6. Revitalize your body

In the past, I have spent about $2,000 on a five day vacation within the United States. With a 5 day staycation, I have spent as little as $500 doing some fun things such as visiting the local art museum, going out to a couple of restaurants I have never visited before and going to a local music festival. I had as much fun as I did on vacation. Best of all I saved money and didn’t have to deal with stressful plane flights, travel hassles and hotel check-ins. I think you’ll love what staycations can do for you.