Some thoughts on the risks of the crypto market

Disappointment in blockchain

Flagship blockchain products failed (Axie, Stepn, Terra-luna, DeFi). New wave products designed with bugs in mind only received Seed-Private. Accordingly, it takes time and groundwork to start a new attempt to conquer the market.

Investors who love the free market “in the spirit of crypto” will find a new home.

It may seem unlikely, but large communities of players could be rasping for new local crypto-casinos. The introduction of the crypto-yuan could allow the same China to create a new investment boom in Fintech startups that would be closed to us. But similar crypto-casinos may appear in our country along with the crypto-ruble, as well as in the US with its crypto-dollar. This could also include Security Tokens, there is a very clear feeling that these stories will not become global stories, especially at the nascent stage. And it may be very difficult to be here early, because the “anarchic” market is not expected, and the topic itself is a native haven for TIER 1 funds from the venture capital world

NFT projects will pick up the younger generation

It’s already happening, many new investors go straight to NFT, naturally bypassing BTC, even bypassing ETH. And if the way of cryptocurrencies (except stables) seems to be very thorny and complicated in creation of products (I’ve been here 5 years, and still not using anything web3 crypto-based on daily basis, at the same time I can’t do without web2), then NFT doesn’t need to create products from scratch, NFT can lay over any brand, product, ecosystem perfectly. Yes, many top players, like Nintendo aren’t interested in NFT yet (NFT card pokemon is an obvious product which will find an audience), but they are not interested only in words, but in fact they are waiting for an opportunity to make it beautiful and profitable, as it is required by business approach of a serious company.

Generally speaking, the biggest and most interesting investments in the market have been in the NFT, Games, and Play2Earn segments. There is a good reasonable hope that there will be many “open” ideas for the market in this market.

But for the crypto market, the real success of NFT threatens to drag attention, decrease liquidity, interest, and shoehorn a lot of current and new projects specifically into NFT startups.

Global Crisis and Recession

Everything is simple, the global bubble can be deflated and the oxygen will be pumped from all markets, no revolutionary technology and personal desires will not save.